Who We See

Common Questions:

My child is doing fine but are they reaching their full potential?

Are there things that we can do to ensure that teachers know how my child learns? 

The school does not have concerns but we, as parents, do. Should we be concerned? 

How do we work with the school to see what my child needs?

My child does not seem to enjoy school as much as he/she previously did. Are they just being a kid or are there learning, emotional, social or other issues going on?

Is anxiety causing school difficulties or are school difficulties causing anxiety?

What is my child’s learning style? Does their style match up with their programming and school placement?

Children who need an IQ test or educational testing only for school entrance applications.

Diagnostic Considerations:


Anxiety – Separation Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Panic, Fears, OCD

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Behavioral Disorders

Bipolar Disorder

Communication Disorders – Mixed Receptive & Expressive, Language, Pragmatic/Social Communication Language


Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder


Low Self-Confidence


Nonverbal Learning Disorder

Peer & Family Challenges

Schizophrenia, Psychosis

Learning Difficulties – Reading, Writing, Math 


Understanding Your Child’s Unique Learning Style IQ Testing For Private School

Call CCNS Now

(978) 341-4992